[Elfsea] Fw: "Islamic Culture and Creativity" -- $5 per ticket

Nancy Chevalier chevalier8278 at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 7 14:19:15 PDT 2014

Some of you with Islamic persona may be interested.

HL Aurelia Yverneau
Canton of Glaslyn
Chevalier8278 at yahoo.com

From: Bennett, Jaime D
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2014 7:32 AM
To: DG-Woodrow Wilson Everyone; DG-Librarians
Subject: DMA: "Islamic Culture and Creativity" -- $5 per ticket 
Dallas Museum of Art;  Monday, April 7th,  7:30 - 9:00
$5.00 per ticket
"Islamic Culture and Creativity”

            One of the world’s leading experts on Islamic art, Sabiha Al Khemir, the DMA’s Senior Advisor of Islamic Art, has worked at the Met, the Louvre and the British Museum.  She will discuss her novel, The Blue Manuscript, which takes readers on a quest for the legendary blue manuscript of medieval Islam. 
            Eliza Griswold -- New York Times bestselling author of The Tenth Parallel -- will discuss her recent journey to Afghanistan with photographer Seamus Murphy to learn about Afghani women and collect their landays or folk couplets.  She collected these poems, along with photographs from their journey into her book I am the Beggar of the World: Landays from Contemporary Afghanistan.
Event Location 
	* 	* Sabiha Al Khemir & Eliza Griswold
Dallas Museum of Art
1717 N Harwood
Dallas, TX 75201 
Contact Dallas Museum of Art 
1717 N Harwood
Dallas, TX 75201
(214) 922-1200
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