[Elfsea] Glaslyn's Defender Thank you

Laura Birdsinger laolson76234 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 28 08:09:26 PDT 2014

Good Gentiles,
       As we all know, a successful event is the work of many people doing
large and small things to make it great. I want to thank each and every
person who helped make this weekend great and helped with the small
crisis's that occur no matter how much we try to plan to avoid them. First
off I want to thank my Co-Autocrat Anosha, it was so great to have you as
my partner in this endeavor.

Set up/ Tear Down
Duncan - You are the Rock of Glaslyn Sir. Steady and reliable as always.
Sir Fiacha- Thank you for making sure there were extra hands available and
                   making sure I sat down to eat and drink.
Bjorn- Even in the most trying situation (high winds and tent raising) you
can make
           me laugh at it all.
Bryan- You didn't even get to stay for the event, your hard work and
troubleshooting was awesome.
Arrick- As always you have my back.
Roderick, Faelon, Brian, Dietrich- I am adopting you boys. You always jump
in to help.
Harrize- Thank you good Sir, I look forward to getting to know you better.
Sheamais- The love of my life, you always are there to make whatever crazy
idea or endeavor I undertake work.

Gate Crew Cudos-
Sir Fiacha, Christopher Mayhew, Aurelia Yverneau, Her Excellency
Baroness of Bonwicke, Cat, Lorraine Deerslayer, Oz, Anosha, I know I am
forgetting several somebodies -Thank you!

Hospitality/Water Bearing
Lena- You did an awesome job, you stay calm no matter what!
Aurelia- As always my sister by choice thank you!
Cat- Thank you for making sure everyone stayed hydrated. Chirugeons hate
Emily, Samantha- Thanks for giving Lena a break so she could be with the
Ladies of Glaslyn during the fighting.

Chirugeon- Aurelia Yverneau , there was no blood so it's a win in my book!

Most Awesome Scrollwork- Oz

Torchlight Tournery- Sir Fiacha

Rapier Tourney- Ruven Greene and Sara Flynn

Monkey Tourney- Master Ariklee Wolf, Sheamais Mac An T-Saoir, Sir Galen, I
am sure I am forgetting somebody here!

Archery- Don Sebastian, Master Caelin, Arrick, words cannot describe how I
feel when you rescued me. Chevaliers on white horses truly.

Brewing- Matthew thanks for organizing, finding the rubic and picking the
judges. I know it's not your SCA name but I haven't a clue how to spell it!

Bardic- Dietrich, thank you for organizing that amazing group of young
people from UNT to sing for us and for a lively and fun completion!

Entourage- Micola thank your for making sure Her Excellency Steppes had
what she needed.

Prize Baskets- Baroness Ceinwen and Colleen thank you again for helping me
with the baskets. Arranging them is an art I have not conquered yet!

Photos- Master Caelin and Mistress Pyro, you do this Kingdom the greatest
service by recording our History, Words are not enough.

If I have forgotten anyone, please accept my apologies. As I warn everyone,
my blonde hair is no lie!

Thank you all for attending,

Maura Mac A' Phearsain
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