[Elfsea] Paging the signatories on the barony bank accounts, please read and heed

Denise Oberlin via Elfsea elfsea at lists.ansteorra.org
Mon Aug 25 11:19:04 PDT 2014

When I stopped at the bank today to make the deposit, the lady who handles new signature cards for existing accounts told me they have a new system. Yes, all the folks who will be on the account need to be there to sign the new card. No, the folks coming off the account do not need to be present. Please be prepared to provide the following information:

Your name
Your address
Your date of birth
Your Social Security number
Your drivers license number

Your mother's maiden name

If you can call her in advance with this information she said that would speed things up for us.  Her name is Tanisia Queppet and her phone number is 817-232-1242. If you don't know our account numbers, see me at the meeting this evening. Thank you!
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