[Elfsea] [Ansteorra] Gulf Wars 2014 Photos

Joanne Murphy joannemurphy111 at gmail.com
Sat Mar 22 19:20:21 PDT 2014

Thank you so much.. There were so many things that I missed.

On Sat, Mar 22, 2014 at 4:19 PM, Richard Threlkeld <
rjt at softwareinnovation.com> wrote:

> I've finally got the photos processed! Nearly 4,000 made it out, but 1068
> of those are Willoc's Dyeing 2-hr class class. We made so many because she
> is publishing a paper in TI and needed pictures. She now has nearly a video
> available. The last half of that class is still uploading as I write this.
> Normal stipulations: you may use them for any non-commercial, SCA use as
> long as you attribute them to Caelin on Andrede, Richard Threlkeld, or
> Betsy Marshall. We will provide phtoographer's releases, but you are on
> your own for model releases if you need them.
> I think there are some really good ones this time. Have fun with them!
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/rthrelkeld/sets/
> In service,
> Caelin on Andrede
> mka: Richard Threlkeld
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