No subject

Mon May 5 19:20:49 PDT 2014

At 06:35 PM 9/23/01 -0500, you wrote:
>Here are the awards that I remember - please forgive me if I left anyone
>out and the bad spelling
>Llywelyn, Arebella, Allyson Tymmes, Octavia de verdon, Kayleigh - Star
>of Merit
>Connal (Miguels lady), Mary Elizabeth Wickham, Brighit O Shaunashey -
>Iris of Merit
>Juliana Vertue - Crane
>Borek - Court Barony
>Tanwyn, Ceinwne, Daniel & Shibhion - Keystones
>Darius - Laurel
>Abeghaile O Brogan (Dar & Rosalia's Daughter) - Rising Star
>Merdock McDuncan  - Rising Star
>Sioban O'Niell  - Crowns Favor
>Tons of portcullis and I believe some other wonderful awards.
>Chivalric Defender - Timo
>Rapier Defender - Miguel
>Archery - Fearghus
>Culture Camp Winner - Celtic Encampment
>I know there is more, but I was a little preoccupied with the Vigil &
>Donna Wallis wrote:
>> I'm really suffering from missing Defender!  Anyone out there with
>> details... :)  ?
>> Dana
>> Please speak to me gently, without raising your voice,
>> and without contradicting me in any way.
>> In people my age, noise and contradiction provoke hypertension,
>> gastric hyperacidity and cardiovascular troubles,
>> so that I rapidly become disagreeable.
>> "Thanks to Domhnall for the sig line :)"
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