No subject

Mon May 5 19:20:49 PDT 2014

but, we only have about 4-6 portable holes and Their Excelancies are using 2
of them.

They are in really good shape (just a tad bit rusted). They are just an iron
pole with 2 iron bands welded on to them.

I love the Chistmas idea! We do have some items that are in need of
replacement (just some little things). Not to mention it prevents anyone
from getting left out of the gift giving (been there and it hurts) like
newcomers who don't know anybody or people who don't play very often.

Hospitaler for the Lord and Lady of Elfsea

>What shape are the portable holes in?  Are they the welded kind, or the
>Logan makes from one stick of stock?  (Does the Barony have any Logan
>I suggest we do something Loch Ruadh did once:  have a Christmas/or insert
>favorite holiday here party where individuals bring gifts to the Barony in
>lieu of gifts for each other.
>Of course, getting Logan to part with iron without purchasing it is
>difficult... but perhaps do-able, given the right sort of incentive.

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