No subject

Tue May 6 19:33:30 PDT 2014

Patrick Michael Gordonne	Michael Riner
Julia de Montoya	Juilia Riner
Vara of Rosenfeld	Victoria Stuettgen
Fredrick of Rosenfeld	Charles Stuettgen
William de Moley	Daniel Broom
Malisia de Moley	Malisia Broom
Tazianna	Tawana Dyke
Oudoceus Kynith	Walter L. Davis
Deaghdra of Holly Glen	Carol Stallings
Dyan du Lac Calendre	Diane Johnson
Grimvere Longtooth	Geary Johnson
Katherine Boyd	Karen Smith

new person	first event		not
new person	first event		not

Community Space	common area	12x16
	storage tent	8x10
	shower pavilion	10x12

	12 people from Rosenfeld

SCA Name	Mundane Name	approx 	Regis-	camping with	Day
		tent 	tered		arriving
The Frey

Carlos Ritchey	Charlie Ribron	8x10		Frey	mon
John	John Staples	8x10			thurs
Constanes	Connie Closson	8x10			thurs
Aria	Ray Closson	15x20			thurs
Kael the Lucky	David Thompson	15x20			mon
Michelle	Michelle Moist	10x10			mon
Tony	Tony Warren	10x12			wed
Albrecht auf der Leirnsteine	Jeremy Tirchie	15x20			mon
Freyman Hosey	G Hosey	15x20			mon
Victoria	Victoria Hosey (minor)				mon
Nikko	Nikko Hosey (minor)				mon
Jon	Jon Hosey(minor)				mon
Michael of the Frey	Mike Catron	15x20			mon
Mordock von Rugen	Greg Shetler	15x20			thurs
Isolde von Rugen	Vicki shetler				thurs
Catherine Donne	Cathy Wiliams	10x12			mon
Milo LeRoux	Floyd Brigdon	15x20			mon
Angelique LeRoux	Sarah Brigdon				mon
Connor LeRoux	Isaac Huff (minor)	12x15			mon
Roland Leroux	Joshua Huff (minor)				mon
Ector LeRoux	Andrew Huff (minor)				mon
Evelyn LeRoux	Christina Brigdon(minor)	12x15			mon
Brigit LeRoux	Brittany Brigdon (minor)				mon
Cammin McFayle	Nick Meineke	10x12			mon
Jenghen Van de Roet	JenJ Ketz	12x15			mon
Condal O'Braadigain	Kindel L. Brodigan	6x8			mon
Roland Gallant de Chenancea.	Oliver Ricou	12x15			mon
Crystoll	Rick Hill	12x15			mon
Nicole 	Nicole Hill				mon
Almarr Bjarnklo	Don wilkinson	10x20			mon
Tatyanna Kamenski	Merideth Wilkinson				mon
Finnian MacLeod	Paul Green	12x15			mon
	Libby Green? Is going?
Luke	Luke Green (minor)				mon
	Ramey ?	10x15			mon
Gangelare	Ed Schuh	10x15			mon
	family - need names				mon
	family - need names				mon
	family - need names				mon

	39 people  the Frey

Community Space		12x12

H.L. Arabella de Montacute
Protege to Sir Galen of Bristol
Central Region, Ansteorran Land Co-Ordinator
Land Desk Associate for Sir Simon Macleod, Meridies

[ Land list Central Arabella.xls of type application/octet-stream deleted ]

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