[Elfsea] model release

Arthur Marsh broboris at att.net
Mon May 5 18:01:46 PDT 2014

I would if I knew how. the is No Domesday book for me to look you up. You can use my picture and I will sign any papers you need when I  see you . SAll of the links on you mail are "404 not found. 

On Monday, May 5, 2014 5:13 PM, Chronicler of Elfsea <chronicler at elfsea.ansteorra.org> wrote:
Sir Arthur would you contact me off list. I need to get a model release from you as you are in a picture I used for the newsletter.


In Service, 
Lady Diana the Just,
Elfsea Chronicler
Fillable Photography Release Form

Fillable Model Release Form

Fillable Creative Release Form
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