[Elfsea] Donations needed for potluck dinner at Sunday's combined practice with Steppes

broboris via Elfsea elfsea at lists.ansteorra.org
Tue Mar 24 10:24:23 PDT 2015

I'll bring buns and chopped onions
Sent from my Virgin Mobile phone.

Betsy Marshall via Elfsea <elfsea at lists.ansteorra.org> wrote:

>I’ve got a bunch of frozen hotdogs I could donate..
>From: Elfsea [mailto:elfsea-bounces+betsy=softwareinnovation.com at lists.ansteorra.org] On Behalf Of Treasurer of Elfsea via Elfsea
>Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2015 9:25 AM
>To: elfsea at lists.ansteorra.org
>Subject: [Elfsea] Donations needed for potluck dinner at Sunday's combined practice with Steppes
>Good Tuesday morning to all! Please consider bringing your favorite dish for the potluck dinner at this Sunday's Populace in the Park (combined fighter practice with the Barony of Steppes). I need one person to commit to bringing paper goods and at least two to bring something to grill such as hotdogs and hamburgers (Steppes is providing the charcoal, starter and someone to cook). We are expecting at least 50 and possibly more. If you can bring something, please let me know by PM on facebook or email (irene_31320 at yahoo.com) thanks and see you on Sunday!
>Baronial Exchequer
>Barony of Elfsea
>Elfsea mailing list
>Elfsea at lists.ansteorra.org
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