[Elfsea] Sunday Practices

Craig Carter via Elfsea elfsea at lists.ansteorra.org
Tue May 5 07:06:00 PDT 2015

Hi all, I am super-torn on my personal attendance at a potential Elfsea practice.  I, of course, attend almost every Elfsea Wednesday practice.  I thought I would relate some of the historical events to add some clarity to the conversation: Many (12?) years ago, the vacuum left by the departure of Duke (then Count) Duncan to Trimaris really hurt the Steppes fighting community.  After seeing attendance really dry up, I (and others) decided to do what I could for the Steppes Sunday practice.  At the time, Elfsea had a VERY strong Sunday practice itself.  As things evolved, the Sunday practice in Elfsea eventually went defunct (not sure why, I think I was inactive with kids medical stuff at that point).  Steppes Sunday practice during this time began to flourish so it became a ready outlet for people looking to fight, and continues to be so today. As things sit now, the Steppes Sunday practice has really changed character over the past 18 months.  It is no longer a high caliber practice where many of the DFW dukes, and a lot of the senior Steppes knights, attend.  Due to the recruitment efforts of folks like Sir Fiacha, Master Lewis, etc...  this practice has evolved into a training ground for a multitude of energetic/interested newer fighters.  This, by the way, is MUCH more important to the DFW fighting community than a bunch of dukes training. Weird how things change over time.  My perspective is that I may be the only consistent Elfsea uber-experienced fighter attending Steppes Sunday practice (His Majesty might also be included in this as well, but moved to Elfsea and is really busy right now obviously).  This is likely a good sign for a potential Elfsea Sunday practice, since redirection of Elfsea fighters would not have near the negative effect on the Steppes as it would have a couple of years ago.  I, personally, would likely continue to assist at Steppes...NOT because I have anything against a Sunday practice but, rather, feel as if I should try to continue to support the new fighters that attend.  I think an Elfsea Sunday practice is a good idea, particularly if we can recreate the excellent populace attendance of several years ago! My 2 cents worth, Drake
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