[Elfsea] April Populace Follow-up Notes (4/25/16)

Seneschal of Elfsea via Elfsea elfsea at lists.ansteorra.org
Wed Apr 27 12:19:40 PDT 2016

*Greetings, Elfsea.*

*Many thanks to those of you that were able to attend our April meeting.
It was nice to see a full house!  *

*Please see the follow-up notes at the end of this email. We covered a lot
of business in an hour.  Yay Elfsea Efficiency!*

*In Service,*
*Lady Aoife Ruadh inghean Ragnaill*
*Seneschal, Barony of Elfsea*


Barony of Elfsea

4/25/16 Populace Follow-up Notes

Meeting opened at 7:04 pm

Baroness Cassandra noted the good turnout, and polled the group for
attendance and the recent events: Defender, Coronation and Glaslyn
Defender.  She then provided tokens to first-timers and warrior beads for
competition or service in the name of Elfsea.  She then gave late Gulf War
tokens to those who had not previously received one.



   *Insignia:* Her Excellency stated we are low on baronial insignia,
   particularly keystones and eastern towers. Insignia can be made from any
   art form as long as it is something that can be worn. Samples of what the
   insignia look like can be seen on the barony’s website, as well as who has
   already received it.


   *Facebook*:  Although Facebook is not our official form of contact, it
   is the most visually effective one as far as staying in contact. However,
   we need to clean up how we look on Facebook. For instance, when someone
   posts a question, the thread of responses is monitored by the seneschal,
   baron and baroness to make sure the answer given is accurate. If you think
   you know but are not sure, do not post anything; people will not remember
   seeing the “maybe” part of your post. Give the responsible officer a chance
   to respond, bearing in mind that they may be at work and may not have a
   chance to even see it, let alone respond quickly. By answering for them it
   gives the impression that we don’t trust them to do their jobs or that they
   don’t do their jobs. Many of them do not “live” on Facebook and are not
   able to respond right away. If you feel you must tag them, use their
   official email address (e.g. rapier at elfsea.ansteorra.org) instead of
   their name.  Refraining from responding for them will also keep the threads
   short and accurate.


   *Treasurer’s Report (provided by Lady Eleanor, exchequer): *


         Attendees: 266

         Bank Deposit: $4,195.00

         Elfsea Profit after 70/30 split: $359.17.

      Elfsea Defender:

         Attendees 253

         Bank Deposit: $3,665.00

         Elfsea Profit after expenses: $1,164.26.

      Current Elfsea Banking Balance after April:

         $11,554 (both accounts)

         Balance prior to April: $9,207 (both accounts)


   *Storage unit discussion*:  The cost of our current storage facility has
   gone up this year and we are already paying more for storage than many
   other groups in the kingdom. It is time to research options.  We have a
   healthy bank account but need to have an eye towards living within our

      Current site parameters: 10’ x 20’ and we need to stay at that.  If
      we go too much smaller, we risk making load-ins and load-outs more

      Current Cost (w/Insurance): $1,656 per year ($138/month).  This cost
      rises every year due to the nature of the corporate storage.

      The populace was asked to seek out storage alternatives, which do not
      have to be part of a national chain, one that was a “mom and
pop” operation
      could be acceptable provided it was in a safe area (at times,
someone goes
      there alone) and would be accessible when required.

      Additionally, there is no current rule preventing the use of
      privately owned storage, but Elfsea would want to perform due
diligence and
      make sure *safety, security, access, and contractual obligations*
      still apply, if a viable option was located.

      If you believe you have found or know of a facility that might work,
      send an email to the Baron/Baroness, Seneschal, and Exchequer.


   *Designated fund (youth combat equipment).* A generous donation had been
   received from Lady Astridr for the purchase of youth combat equipment. It
   will allow for the purchase of youth rapier equipment as soon as Baroness
   Rixende (youth rapier martial) returns. There will be funds left over to
   investigate purchasing youth boffer equipment also; however, we are in need
   of another adult (i.e., a parent) to take over as soon as possible. If you
   are interested, or know of anyone who might be, please talk to Baroness

*BARONIAL BUSINESS/OFFICER REPORTS**: Seneschal, Lady Aoife Ruadh inghean

After extending welcome to everyone, Lady Aoife explained that there was a
person who expressed concern that so many officer positions are coming open
for application.  She went on to explain that this is a sign of health.  The
barony has been humming along quite nicely for about 14 months, and each
term is two years, so as folks get within the window of their office
expiring, we like to open them.  It is natural--- and a  great  opportunity
for others to step in and help lead the barony.


   If you see we have an office open and you wish to apply for it, by all
   means do apply.

   Don’t let the fact you have never served prevent you from applying.

   You may contact the current officer to ask about it, and complete an
   application (located on the barony website).

   When you email your application it needs to go to the central region
   officer for that position and copied to Lady Aoife (the seneschal) as well
   as the B&B.

   Make sure that if do apply, you actually intend to serve.  Sometimes you
   are the only applicant.

Lady Aoife then thanked the two outgoing members of the Finance Committee
(Lady Meadhbh Greaham and Lord Edwin De Brus) for serving admirably and
allowing a minor extension of their terms so that we could vote new
members.   She then announced that current make-up of the Finance


   Baron / Baroness (required by policy; 1 vote)     TEs William &
   Cassandra Palfrey

   Seneschal (required by policy; 1 vote)                Lady Aoife Ruadh
   inghean Ragnaill

   Exchequer (required by policy; 1 vote)               Lady Astridr
   Lokisdottir             (June 1st)

   At-Large (1 vote; chosen by officers)                 Lady Eleanor of
   Forth Castle (June 1)

   Officer Rep. (1 vote; chosen by officers)                        Master
   Caelin on Andrede

Lady Aoife discussed the two demos coming up; the triennial Boy Scout
Jamboree and the City of Arlington Library Demo.


   The Jamboree is huge; a lot of fun and participating allows us to rent
   Boy Scout facilities at discounted prices.

      The weekend it is being held is Nov. 11-13,

      This does conflict this year with Queens Champion


   The Arlington Library Demo is currently scheduled for Saturday, Oct.

   Both demos require coordinators.

      If you are interested in coordinating or co-coordinating, please send
      a letter of intent to the B&B and Seneschal.

*BIDS ARE NOW OPEN for 2016 Baronial College (October 1, 2016)*

If you wish to submit a bid to be the Event Steward, but need guidance,
                                     contact the Seneschal or the B&B.

seneschal at elfsea.ansteorra.org

baron at elfsea.ansteorra.org

baroness at elfsea.ansteorra.org

NOTE: The person/team with the successful bid become(s) deputy Seneschals
for the duration of the event planning and final paperwork.



   *Hospitaler*: (*via the Seneschal*) Y’vette has been doing great things!
   She had 10-15 contacts of which six came to a meeting or an event. Thank
   her when you see her for the fantastic work she is doing! She is always in
   need of loaner garb, if you have old garb you no longer need please
   consider donating it to the Hospitaler. hospitaler at elfsea.ansteorra.org


   *Chronicler*: (*via the Seneschal*) Lady Johanna may be critically low
   on items/submissions for the Tidings newsletter. The deadline for
   submissions is midnight on Thursday, 4/28/16.

      Officers, if you have info to share, please give her reports of some

      The populace is encouraged to provide items of personal interest
      (patterns, A&S ideas, persona story, historical research, etc);

      Don’t forget the Word Fame!  This is how we show appreciation for
      people.  We often thank folks, but seeing it in a newsletter gives it a
      little oomph!

      The chronicler will post the form again if needed; it is very easy to
      fill out and goes directly to her. chronicler at elfsea.ansteorra.org


   *Web Minister*: (*via the Seneschal*) Email HE Sir Alejandro if you need
   updates or changes on the Baronial web page.
   webminister at elfsea.ansteorra.org


   *Nautilus Pursuivant*: (*via the Seneschal*) Submit paperwork for names,
   badges or devices to Lady Cecelia.  If you need help, contact her.

      Just a reminder that Kingdom Law prohibits the herald from accepting
      checks from members.  Any payments for your paperwork submissions must go
      to the Exchequer.   Elfsea is in the top 3 groups submitting the most
      scrolls that are awarded within the kingdom!
      herald at elfsea.ansteorra.org


   *Elfsea Academy* (*via the Seneschal*) More graduates are needed!  The
   next series of classes starts in July. If you attend at least five of the
   monthly classes you are eligible to attend the graduation ceremony at the
   2017 Elfsea Defender. Central at MOAS.ansteorra.org


   *Minister of Children*: Lady Silvana announced that her office is
   currently open for applications due to natural timing.  However, she plans
   to then apply for Kingdom MOC and finding a replacement would be great!
      Be aware that due to the singular nature of this position, application

      Credit Check

      Background Check through the SCA.  No others count.

      Contact Ly Silvana for details on this rewarding position
      MOC at elfsea.ansteorra.org


   *Minister of Arts and Sciences*: Lady Liadan announced that she is
   seeking Deputy A&S Ministers.  BE A DEPUTY MOAS!!  She already has one:
   Lady Auerliana.  More will help us be in all the A&S things.
   MOAS at elfsea.ansteorra.org

      The Saturday workshops before Gulf War went very well!  The next
      workshop is scheduled for May 7th. Please bring whatever you are
      working on (armor, shoes, crafts, scrolls, etc); come if you
want to learn
      how to do sew, weave, paint, etc. or just come to socialize. The
      are held in Arlington (and in mundane dress)

      At Kings College in June (at Namron), Lady Liadan will teach a
      beginners class in banner painting. It will be a “make and take”
class, you
      will take a banner home with you.  “Fun with Flags”

      Kingdom Fiber Arts Symposium is in Oklahoma in July. Both teachers
      and students are needed.


   *Historian*: Lady Kazuki Ume stated that there is much going on.  She is
   seeking awards, pictures, pictures of awards, scrolls, pictures of scrolls…
   anything that tells the story of Elfsea for the SCA 50th year

      She is preparing to review material she has received so far to get it
      scanned.  Please send her whatever you would like to contribute,

      historian at elfsea.ansteorra.org


   *DFT Seneschal*:

   Lord Franklin reported DFT had a great month!

      Their own Lord Angus de Ruthven won two archery championships
      (Elfsea’s on April 2nd and Glasyln on April 23rd).  May is destined
      to be a fantastic month as well.


      *DFT is hosting Queens Champion* at Old Fort Parker (May 14th)

         Will include a youth champion competition, a bardic completion and
         TRM will be spending the night on site with campers.

         Children’s activities will be available at Queens Champion also.
         If you are attending it would be appreciated if you can spend
a little time
         assisting with the children.

         Additionally, the Norse Seneschal of Elfsea and the Norman
         Seneschal of DFT are hosting a breakfast on Saturday morning
(eggs, bacon,
         hash browns—and coffee).

         Donations for the hot breakfast goodness are accepted!

         *All Donations go towards the Crown Travel Fund.*  This will
         assist with the extra trip to 50th year.

         A sideboard lunch is included with the site fee of $20.  (SCA
         members with a blue card get a $5 discount).

         Tent camping is available for an additional $5

         RV hookup is $20 per night.

         There will be a potluck on Saturday evening; meat is being
         provided but each participant needs to bring a side or
dessert item for 6-8


      *DFT’s Guardian* takes place a week later (May 21st).

         HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE: A 3-to-4 hour Bear Pit for both Heavy and

         Championships will be awarded in rapier, heavy fighting, bardic
         and archery competitions (and the champions collars are to die for!).

         Children’s activities will be included, if the Minister of
         Children can secure assistance from at least one other
person, in order to
         maintain the two person requirement for children’s events.

The Seneschal, Lady Aoife then asked for questions on any notes from the
officers meeting and with none asked she requested new business.  None
being brought forward, she reminded everyone that follow-up notes as well
as all other official communications are sent out on the baronial email
list.  Please contact her at seneschal at elfsea.ansteorra.org if you are not
currently on the list—but wish to be.

She also discussed the Costumers Guild this Friday, Apr. 29 at 7 pm at Lady
Silvana’s house and the Cooks Guild, which is held on the second Tuesday,
the next meeting is May 10th at Master Caelin’s House.

There being no further old business and no new business to discuss, Lady
Aoife was permitted to depart.



   A final reminder to send Word Fame to the Chronicler.

      When recommendations for awards are submitted, this is one place
      they, along with the Crown, review to see if this person has
been receiving
      any for above and beyond services

      This helps pinpoint “stealth” volunteers who step in and provide
      services without seeking any type of recognition. Word Fame makes life
      easier for the B&B because they can see more widely what is being


   Do attend the academy!  It functions as an “Elfsea 101” and you do not
   have to be a newcomer to attend.  HE Cassandra specifically mentioned the
   History of the SCA taught by Robin of Gilwell.

   HE encouraged everyone to come to the A&S workdays, even if it’s just to
   socialize.  Project or not--- you can learn a lot.

   You can also learn about the scribal arts by attending the scribal guild

Meeting Closed at 7:57 pm
​      ​
*(because we are nothing if not efficient)*
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