[Elfsea] Officers Meeting Reminder

Seneschal of Elfsea via Elfsea elfsea at lists.ansteorra.org
Mon Feb 22 07:34:18 PST 2016

Greetings, Elfsea Officers.

Just a reminder that we meet tonight at 7pm, Tom's Burgers, 1530 N. Cooper,

I know that everybody has a lot going on right now, so if you cannot attend
tonight's officers meeting, let me know and send me your update and I will
put it into the notes for the populace meeting next week.

I look forward to seeing each of you-- and thank you for your dedication to
the business of Elfsea!

In Service,
Lady Aoife Ruadh inghean Ragnaill
Seneschal, Barony of Elfsea
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