[Elfsea] Stepping Down as Elfsea MOC

Rachel Schubert via Elfsea elfsea at lists.ansteorra.org
Mon Jul 18 12:55:55 PDT 2016

Greetings Good Gentles,

As many of you already know, I am now stepping down as the MOC for Elfsea.
It has been such a fun ride and I have had a blast with our children and
youth. M'Lady Liaden Orlanderson will be stepping up as the new MOC for
Elfsea. I feel confident that I am leaving our children in good hands.
Thank you so much to everyone that ever helped out in any capacity. I truly
appreciate the support and care shown by the Barony and the Canton. I know
that support and care will continue for Liaden.

I am now the Kingdom MOC for Ansteorra. I am very excited for my new path
and will strive for greatness.

Again, thank you all.

Lady Silvana Corwin
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