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Sun Jul 9 14:21:02 PDT 2017

tuesdays in a month sometimes 5. You could go one further and say Tuesdays
and WED are  reserved for guilds and a&S activties. Rigth now Tuesdays and
Wed are the least used nights of the week. According to the Elfsea Calendar.

> Guilds are usually organized around a Principal
>who opens their home to their friends.  To tell someone >they may only
>open their home to their friends on a certain night >seems extreme.

I think discussion any idea for responses  is both reasonable and prudent.
Are you saying this to the general popualce. According to the calendar if
anything really moved to tuesday night their would be enough room for A&S
and guild activites on tuesdays nights. How does the populace feel about
meeting on some other night than monday for say heraldic commentary and

>While I realize that in fact we would be saying that it >would only go
>on the calendar if they were on a certain day, it is >still
>authoritarian and discourages people sharing their >skills and
>interests.  In a group that has a primary purpose >educating, this is a
>Very Bad Thing (tm).

 I think it would be authoritarian to change dates and times on people
without discussing it first. I don't take it as you have to move it or else.
I understand that we are reserving a special slot of days say tuesdays and
wed for artisans and bards to teach and be taught.

>A Guild is a group of people with common interests, who >gather to share
>that interest with others.  At the current time Elfsea >has many guilds
>including : Glass Beads, Clothiers, Heralds, A&S >Nights, The Gryphon
>Consort, and Scribes & Illuminators with more >potentially coming
>including a Cooks guild.

I am just using the elfsea calendar as stated in this post and currently
Glass Beads and The gryphon consort are not on the calendar. But what nights
are these one and the others?

  This does not even begin to >count those that
>our Cantons and Colleges have such as Loch Ruadh's >Woodworkers Guild,
>and Dragonsfire Forge in the Tor.

Actually scheduling one night of every week for elfsea A&S guilds nights
makes it easier for other groups to plan and not conflict.

  Even counting only >Elfsea 'proper'
>Guilds, we already have 6 active guilds and one in the >forming stages
>that we are aware of.

See my post above about guilds on the elfsea calendar.

 This already forces more than >'one day a week'
>to be used for them within any given month.  And I hope >to see
>continued growth of new guilds (in fact I was thinking >of starting
>another myself the other day).

You go Dude!

  The idea that was >thrown out of using
>Tuesdays and Mondays that didn't have 'business' >meetings would already
>be filled in a 4 week month.

I guess I am confused it is no thrown out until One you have a agreed to a
time and place and two is someone tells you no you can't ahve that guild
meeting then.

>Then there is the idea of Fighter Practices.  I am a >strong advocate of
>keeping Sunday practices as a combination Heavy and >Light practice at
>one location, I'd even love to see Archery there to.  >This practice
>gives a weekly chance for Community within Elfsea.  But >our weekday
>practices currently are divided with Rapier on >Wednesday, and Armored
>on Thursday.  There is good logic behind this system.  >We put our
>Armored practice on Thursday because there was no other >practice in the
>Metroplex on that night, this encourages attendance and >doesn't make
>someone choose between practices.  Rapier Practice is >on Wednesday
>night because there already is a highly successful and >long running
>practice in the Steppes on Thursday night that several >of our fighters

Funny that the online calendar does not show rapier practice's at all during
august on wed night.

>To sum up all of the above my point is this :  Our >calendar of
>activities has developed to serve well the communities >that already are
>interested in them.  Serving the community that is >interested in them
>is the point of all of these activities, first and >foremost.

I agree that we should serve the communities, but how many people would like
things changed somewhat or alot. After all Timothy you and I are only two
people who do not have problems sharing our opinions.

 > I would
>suggest that to justify forcing scheduling changes, you >would have to
>come up with something that is of greater import than >'serving the
>community'.  In this volunteer organization, I don't >believe you will.

I disagree with the term forcing, after all we are discussing this

>That is my 1 pound sterling's worth,

And I have added my 1 pounds worth as well.

Richard Fairbourne

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