[Elfsea] Elfsea Defender - RESCHEDULED

Baroness of Elfsea baroness at elfsea.ansteorra.org
Wed Apr 3 19:32:36 PDT 2019


It is with a sad heart that His Excellency, Kazimierz, and I have made the
decision to reschedule this weekend's event.

After consulting with multiple weather outlets and speaking to our event
stewards, Barony Officer's, event marshals, property owners, and event
staff, We (His Excellency and Myself) have decided that We would rather
reschedule Our event rather than force Our friends and family into the
weather currently being forecast for the weekend...even when that weather
could change at any minute.

We have made this decision because We understand that bowstrings stretch in
the rain, arrow fletching clumps when soaked, winds blow, tires sink, and
even the best of blades will rust when out in the elements. We want our
Champion Tournaments to be held when everyone will be in attendance and the
fields will be more welcoming. We know that a wet, blustery day is not as
inviting as when the sun is shining.

Thank you to everyone that gave us input before We made this choice. Your
thoughts and opinions are always welcome and appreciated.

We would also like to thank Their Majesties and Their Highnesses for being
both understanding and accepting of our decision, it was not an easy choice
to make and They were very kind when the news was shared.

We will keep you posted on future event dates and locations. Until then,
know that We will miss your company this weekend and hope that you are all
warm and dry with those you love.

In Service to the Dream,

Baron Kazimierz and Baroness Katheryn
Barony of Elfsea
Kingdom of Ansteorra
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