[Elfsea] Chronicler Office Open for Application

Chronicler of Elfsea chronicler at elfsea.ansteorra.org
Mon Apr 4 20:57:55 PDT 2022

Dearest Populace:

My office is now open for application. If you are interested, please go to
https://ansteorra.org/seneschal/apply-for-an-office/ , fill out the
application and indicate you would like copies sent to
chronicler at elfsea.ansteorra.org, central at chronicler.ansteorra.org , and
also to the Elfsea Seneschal and Their Excellencies of Elfsea. If you have
any questions about the position please feel free to contact me as
well!  Applications
are due by May 15, 2022.

The office of the Chronicler is very important to the Barony of Elfsea! If
we do not put out a newsletter every quarter we lose our status as a
barony. It is also a position that can be done entirely from home, no
travel or strenuous activity needed. It has been an honor to serve the
Barony, but my warrant is soon going to be up. Please apply!

In Service,

Aline Hopton

Chronicler of Elfsea

*Officer Report Form


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