[Elfsea] Monday night Meetings

Seneschal of Elfsea seneschal at elfsea.ansteorra.org
Thu Jul 28 13:42:31 PDT 2022

Good afternoon Elfsea,
Last Monday night was the Financial Committee, Officers, and Populace
meetings.  If you were not able to attend, this is what you missed.
The  Financial
Committee and Populace approved a bid submitted by Lady Kaðlín Staradóttir
& Lord Sigmund Úlfsson
(Kaitlyn & Rob Gallon) for Elfsea Yule.  More information about Yule will
be coming out in the near future.   The Officers worked on the
re-written and revised 2022 Financial Policy.  Time was short so they
agreed to meet again at a later date to finish up.  The highlight of our
Populace Meeting was Their Majesties Creppin and Toryn attended our
meeting.  As a proud Norman that I am, I would say we had a little under
100 in attendance.  But since it is my honor to serve as your Seneschal, I
need to say we really had 28 in attendance.  Not Bad!!! A lot better than
our ZOOM meetings.
In your Service,
H.E. Franklin Whitenhale of cheshire
Seneschal of the Great Barony
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