[Elfsea] Cook's Guild Meeting Reminder - June 14th

Joe Pelfrey joepelfrey at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 7 09:09:02 PDT 2022


A reminder that one week from today, the Cook’s Guild willresume in person meetings!  We aremeeting at the home of Her Excellency Cat. The meeting will be from 7:00pm to 9:00pm.  The address is 8508 Yellow Buckeye Dr, FortWorth, TX 76140-3112.
Snacks are encouraged but not required.  The snacks do not even have to be period but wewill totally give you a ‘knowing nod’ for anything period.

Please take a moment and join the Cook’s Guild Facebook pagefor planning and historical cooking topics.
Cook's Guild of Elfsea | Facebook
We look forward to seeing you there.  We’ll be discussing future Guild plans andactivities.

Baron William Palfrey

Guild Principal

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