[Elfsea] Gate help at Elfsea Yule Revel on Dec. 3

Denise Oberlin irene_31320 at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 16 05:48:14 PST 2022

 thank you so much!!
    On Tuesday, November 15, 2022 at 09:52:20 PM CST, Thomas Miller via Elfsea <elfsea at lists.ansteorra.org> wrote:  
I can do a 10am to Noon shift.
Thomas GreyMundanely: Thomas Miller
On Sun, Nov 13, 2022 at 6:25 PM Treasurer of Elfsea via Elfsea <elfsea at lists.ansteorra.org> wrote:

Good evening from your Yule Revel gate coordinator!! You probably know what I am going to ask and you're right - I am looking for volunteers for gate! There will be only two gate shifts, 8 am to 10 am, and 10 am to noon. For both I would like two folks to handle the books and one on the cash box. You don't need to be a paid member to handle the books; however, to handle the cash box you do need to be a paid member. Thanks in advance!

In Service,

Eleanor of Forth Castle
ExchequerBarony of Elfsea _______________________________________________
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