[Elfsea] Elfsea Baronial College Needs Teachers!

Marisa Burbidge mare.imbrium53 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 29 15:26:59 PDT 2022

Dear populace:

Our Baronial College is coming up on October 15. I am HL Aline your class
coordinator, and we still need teachers!
I'm going to post the schedule on October 5. Right now I have 17 classes.
We can have SO many more! We need more combat classes (inside or outside),
clothing classes, fiber arts, scribal....we have about one of each of these
right now. We have no leather classes! I know you all know how to do
things! Come show us! https://forms.gle/DJqty5LNzdCnH7HD9
Location information: https://ansteorra.org/elfsea/elfsea-baronial-college/

Thank you so much
Aline Hopton
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