[Elfsea] 09/23/23: Elfsea Baronial College: Gate Help

Hospitaler of Elfsea hospitaler at elfsea.ansteorra.org
Fri Aug 4 15:17:57 PDT 2023

Good day, Wonderful Elfsea Family!

Lady Elína at your Service for Elfsea Baronial College as Gate Coordinator.
Assistance at Gate makes our Friends & Family check-in quicker. There are
three shifts needing three Gentles per shift, where one has to be a paid
member to work Box.

0750 AM- 1000 AM
Book 1
Book 2
Box:  filled by KerMegan

0950 AM - Noon
Book 1
Book 2

1150 AM - 200 PM
Book 1
Book 2

Never worked Gate? Easy to check Gentles in! You will be trained. The plan
is to have a Book Gentle check in pre-registration Gentles. (Pre-reg is in
the works!)y

Please post on FB or email me with your desired shift.

In service to our Dream,
Lady Elina
Elfsea Hospitaler
Baronial College Gate Coordinator
In Service,
Elina Ljufvinudottir
Barony of Elfsea Hospitaler
Kingdom of Ansteorra
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