[Elfsea] Scribal Guild Changes

Marisa Burbidge mare.imbrium53 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 25 18:59:24 PDT 2023

Hello all,

I'm Aline Hopton and I'm the interim Principal Scribe for the Barony of
Elfsea. I wanted to explain some changes that are going to be happening
with the guild.
First off, because the three most prolific calligraphers are either going
to be moving in a year (me) or are taking on more massive responsibilities
(Absolon and Silvana) their "nex(t)"cellencies have asked that *charters* be
made available for baronial awards. *This does not mean we will not accept
originals.* WE LOVE ORIGINALS! But we want to make sure that we have
multiple ways to provide awards to our populace. I am designing three in a
14th Century style as that matches Absolon and Silvana's personas. I'm
hoping the Portcullis design will be done in September, and the Western and
Eastern Tower designs by November.
*Schedule changes to guild meetings:* The September meeting will be on
Saturday, Sept 16 as planned. However I am going to have my house open from
12pm-4pm. We can snack and chat and paint and write. It isn't necessary to
be there the entire time. If you're really only available from 2-4 as was
the old meeting time, then please join us for that time!
*Due to conflicts, October and November guild meetings will be combined
into a single meeting on Saturday November 4, 2023*. It will also be at my
home and also run from 12-4 (maybe later if we want to really marathon it).
I wanted to make sure we meet at least one time after the investiture but
before Elfsea Yule and my goal is that we will have the new charter designs
fully available if people would like to paint them.
Right now I plan to hold December and January's monthly meetings on their
respective days, 12/16 and 1/20. I am aware that 1/20 is listed in the
Calendar as Winter Roundtable, but we have wireless internet and people are
welcome to come and paint and do meetings from my house if they like.

My address is 3328 Meadow Wood Ln, Bedford TX 76021. Please be aware that I
have two dogs and four (not a typo) cats. The dogs can be...loud sometimes.
We will do our best to keep them from getting into people's business. I
have children and game consoles but my youngest is 11 and the house is in
no way babyproofed anymore.

Upcoming, I will be teaching a gilding workshop sometime in 2024 before I'm
set to move. I will let everyone know a month or two in advance.

Please please feel free to email me if you have any questions! I will also
send out a reminder the week before each meeting.

In Service,
Aline Hopton
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