[Elfsea] Elfsea's Yule Feast

Frank Warner franklin.whitenhale at gmail.com
Mon Dec 4 11:48:13 PST 2023


Last Saturday I had the honor to prepare Elfsea’s Yule Feast.  This is a
task that requires lots of help, and I would like to thank the following
who gave freely of their time to help produce this feast.

Sir Author for preparing and cooking the Scotch eggs.

Mark Davis for helping preparing and cooking most of the feast.  He spent
his Yule in the kitchen helping.

Cristal Miller did most of the prep work Friday night and then helped in
the kitchen during the day.  And then she was the head Server.

Thomas Miller helped in the kitchen Friday night and all day Saturday.

And then there were the great people who came in at the end to help clean up

Robby Gallon, who also helped cook the soup.

Elizabeth (I hope I have this correct) and another young lady (that I did
not get her name) just came in the kitchen and started washing pot and

It was these people who made the feast possible, and I cannot say thank you
enough for all of your hard work – Thank you, Thank you, Thank you one and

H.E. Franklin Whitenhale of Cheshire
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