[Elfsea] New fighter practice location

Knight Marshal marshal at elfsea.ansteorra.org
Tue Jan 10 08:51:50 PST 2023

Hello All,

First, thank you for allowing me the opportunity to be the Chivalric
Armored Marshal.  I hope to be able to continue the work of those who have
gone before me, if anyone has any ideas or questions, feel free to email me
or message me on Facebook.

Second, in the hopes of increasing fighting participation during the winter
months I’ve secured an indoor facility in Arlington. Unfortunately, the
site isn’t available on Wednesday evenings, so effective immediately
practice will now be from 7-9 pm on Thursday nights at the below location:

Elzie Odom Athletic Center

No more Wednesday night practice at bob eden park. They will now be
Thursday from 7-9 at the above address.

Thanks again,


Knight Marshal of Elfsea
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