[Elfsea] FROM Central Regional Seneschal

Seneschal of Elfsea seneschal at elfsea.ansteorra.org
Fri Jun 30 07:51:26 PDT 2023

Greetings unto the populace of Elfsea from the Central Regional Seneschal!
As you all know, Baron Kazimierz and Baroness Katheryn are stepping down in
It is my great pleasure to announce that Sir Absolon of Hereford and the
Honorable Lady Silvana Corwin,
and Lord Thomas Grey and Lady Floria Black Dragon have submitted Letters of
Intent to apply for the
office of Baron and Baroness. They are all good people, and the Crown has a
weighty decision for you,
the populace, to help them with.
We will be having an in-person meeting to conduct a polling of the Elfsea
populace on July 17, 2023.
Please come join me at the polling. If you cannot be there, then fill out
the absentee ballot below and
email it to central at seneschal.ansteorra.org. The absentee forms must be in
my email inbox no later
than July 24, 2023.
Remember that baronial pollings are not a democratic vote and do not
necessarily determine who will
be chosen for a position. Rather, pollings provide a way for the Crown to
hear and consider the opinions
of the populace on the matter of Baronial succession. The Crown considers
many factors when choosing
new Landed Nobility, including the results of the polling.
Everyone can fill out a polling form. You do not have to be a member of the
SCA or a resident of Elfsea
to express an opinion.
Those Letters of Intent are published here, along with the polling form.
If you have any questions as to the polling process, please email me at
central at seneschal.ansteorra.org.

Yours In Service,
Lady Esmeralda Malaspina
Central Regional Seneschal
Kingdom of Ansteorra
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