[Elfsea] Loaner Feast Gear and Clothing for Elfsea Defender

Hospitaler of Elfsea hospitaler at elfsea.ansteorra.org
Sat May 6 10:04:31 PDT 2023

Good morning, Elfsea!
If you are a new Gentle and are still in need of Feast Gear for Elfsea
next Saturday, 5/13/23, please contact me hospitaler at eflsea.ansteorra.org.
There is a tote-full of mugs, plates and bowls.
I also have loaner garb (clothing), though arrangements for this MUST be
made this week, preferably prior to Wednesday so we have a few days to
exchange clothing.
In service to Our Dream,
Lady Elína
Interim Elfsea Hospitaler
PS. Lots of children’s activities at Elfsea Defender
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