[Elfsea] Volunteers needed for gate at Yule Revel

Denise Oberlin irene_31320 at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 19 11:28:28 PST 2023

Hello Elfsea from the Yule Revel gate coordinator!! You guessed it, I am looking for help to run gate at our event on December 2. I need to fill 3 shifts: 8 am - 10 am (2 book, one cash box); 10 am - noon (2 book, one cash box) and noon-2 (one book, one box). You can help with the books if you are not a paid SCA member but must be a paid member to handle the cash box. Also, a related couple or living at the same address can sit gate together as long as there is a third person present. Thanks in advance and have a Happy Thanksgiving!
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