[Elfsea] Gate help at Elfsea Baronial College on 09.23.2023

Hospitaler of Elfsea hospitaler at elfsea.ansteorra.org
Tue Sep 19 17:22:12 PDT 2023

Hello, Wonderful Barony!

We need a few more book slots filled for Gate at Elfsea Baronial College
this Saturday, 09.23.2023. Please check the classes and then let me know
where you can fill in on this thread (or via email when I send the email).
As info: 50 is 10 minutes until the hours, not the half hour for those who
are used to 1/100ths.

Gate Shift Gentles at this time:
0750 - 1000
Book 1 - Randy J Eddington
Book 2 - Laura Johnson
Box - KerMegan Taransay

0950 - 1200
Book 1 -
Book 2 -
Box - Arthur Marsh

1150 - 1400
Book 1 - Jeffrey Demieville
Book 2 -
Box - Liz Fowler

In service to our Dream,
Lady Elína
Gate Coordinator
Elfsea Hospitaler

In Service,
Elina Ljufvinudottir
Barony of Elfsea Hospitaler
Kingdom of Ansteorra
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