[Elfsea] Archery practice tomorrow 9/24

Archery Marshal archery at elfsea.ansteorra.org
Sun Sep 24 08:57:19 PDT 2023

Update: Heat index is looking like 106°F this afternoon, so I'm going to go ahead and cancel archery practice for today. Hope to see y'all again when things cool off.


From: Archery Marshal <archery at elfsea.ansteorra.org>
Sent: Saturday, September 23, 2023 8:23:39 PM
To: Barony of Elfsea <elfsea at lists.ansteorra.org>
Subject: Archery practice tomorrow 9/24

Howdy everyone. We're going to try and get archery practice back up and running tomorrow. Sebastian has graciously agreed to come run the range, and I'll be picking up the baronial gear tomorrow from KerMegan Taransay.

2pm tomorrow (Sunday) at
Sokol Fort Worth
 6500 Boat Club Rd, Fort Worth, TX 76179, USA


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