[Elfsea] Elfsea Defender Thanks

Baroness of Elfsea baroness at elfsea.ansteorra.org
Sun Apr 7 15:11:25 PDT 2024

Wow. Elfsea Defender was amazing! Thank you so much to everyone that gave
of their time and skills to make it so good.

Thank you to our autocrats, Sir Arthur and Master Sebastian. You took the
time to find and make a great site.

Lady Gwenfrewi, thank you for stepping up as our gate coordinator. For
those of that took gate shifts, we sincerely appreciate you.

Duchess Sonja, thank you for stepping up as our sanitation coordinator. You
and Sir Arthur did a great job keeping the bathroom facilities clean and

Honorable Lady Astrid, thank you so much for being our head of entourage
and ensuring we had our needs met throughout the day. Honorable Lord Sean,
Lady Esmeralda, Lord Sigmund, Lord Gilli, Lady Hotaru, Bhann Mhearai,
M’Lady Mjoll, M’Lady Julia, and M’Lady Bjorna, thank you all so much for
giving up part of your day to help ensure we had a good day. It was great
having all of you as part of our entourage.

Mistress Adelaide and Mistress Jean-Marie, thank you for your skill at
running all of the lysts for our champion tournaments. You both did such a
great job keeping the tournaments going smoothly and quickly.

Lady Gwenllyan, thank you so much for your amazing sideboard! You gave such
great hospitality to the visiting royals and made them very welcome in

Honorable Lady Aline, Lady Elionora, and Lady Aseleif, thank you for your
skill and talents in creating such beautiful, cute, and fun scrolls for our

Lady Elizabeth, Lady Aseleif, and Bhann Mheari, thank you for painting
beautiful charters and originals to give to members of our populace for
their baronial awards. All of you gave us such a boon by sharing your art.

Duchess Sonja, Count Floki, Baroness KerMegan, Master John Drake, Centurion
Rande, Lord Kenneric, thank you all for marshaling our tournaments
throughout the day. You ensured all participants got the most they could
out of the fighting and shooting.

To all entrants to our tournaments, thank you for participating and giving
us enjoyment to watch. The skill displayed was most wonderful!

To our stepping down champions, Count Floki, Master John Drake, and Lord
Kenneric, thank you all for running the tournament and for choosing fun
formats for the participants. It was a joy to witness.

To our new rapier champion Don Feodor ‘Fifi’ Nikolaevich Gorodets, our new
armored champion Lord Dominus Scaevus, our new archery champion Aldwin
Greenleaf, our premier cut and thrust champion Duke Gabriel of Maccusswell,
our youth rapier champion William Flokisson, and our youth archery champion
Honora Alricsdottir, congratulations and welcome!

Mistress Amelot and Mistress Rosamund, thank you for honoring Elfsea by
having your elevations at our event.

Thank you so much to everyone who attended and helped in any way. The kind
words, the smiles, the hugs, and the camaraderie was such a joy to see and
experience. It truly warmed our hearts. We cannot begin to fully express
our gratitude. Our very first Elfsea Defender as Baron and Baroness was a
success because of so many of you.

Absolon and Silvana
Baron and Baroness of Elfsea
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