[Elfsea] scribal guild meeting

Crystal Miller cmiller0400 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 14 19:27:48 PDT 2024

Scribal guild meeting will be held next Sunday, April 21, from 2-5 pm at
the home of Lady Floria Black Dragon. 5832 Lyle St, 76114.
During this time, (weather permitting) Lord Thomas will be repairing the
bread oven, if anyone wants to join in on that.
A few notes about our house: we have some cats and a small dog. Our house
is child friendly, but not child safe. The cats will be in the bedroom and
the dog will be on a lead outside.
We hope to see you there! If you have any questions, please PM me here on
FB, or email me at cmiller0400 at gmail.com.
In Service,
Lady Floria Black Dragon
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