[Elfsea] IMPORTANT: Please send any feedback by 5/20/24

Seneschal of Elfsea seneschal at elfsea.ansteorra.org
Tue Apr 23 18:54:40 PDT 2024

Good evening!
Last night at populace Duke Gabriel proposed to the Barony to host Sable
Legionnaire this year. The event is a melee training event for the Rapier
community. Classes are held the first half of the day, and practical
application melees the second half of the day. These would be separated by
a lunch break. The barony would be helping to staff the event and provide
The options are as followed:

   1. Combine Elfsea Yule and Legionnaire. There would be no site fee, but
   we would still have a fee for feast. He would find a location that can
   accommodate both activities as well as parking.
   2. Two separate events. Yule in December and Legionnaire possibly in
   3. Sable Legionnaire in lieu of having Yule.

The populace in attendance voted a majority for option 1 but this is a
decision that the Barony should make as a group. I will leave commentary
open until May 20th. Please reach out to me at
seneschal at elfsea.ansteorra.org with any questions or concerns. We will be
voting at May Populace and finalizing our decision.

*Lady Gwenllyan verch Wilkin*
*Seneschal, Barony of Elfsea*
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