[Elfsea] Submissions for Elfsea Tidings due January 25

Chronicler of Elfsea chronicler at elfsea.ansteorra.org
Mon Jan 22 20:03:59 PST 2024

Greetings to the Good Gentlefolk of the Barony of Elfsea,

The deadline for submissions for the Feburary issue of the Elfsea Tidings
draw nigh.

There are a few rules for submissions laid out in the Kingdom Handbook
and I cite them for you here:

 "Local Branch newsletters may not publish any of the following:

1) Personal attacks on individuals or groups

2) Harsh criticism of the behavior of individuals or groups

3) Copyrighted material used without permission

4) Use of racial or religious stereotypes

5) Offensive words, phrases or images

6) Any material that shows the SCA (at any level) in a bad light

7) Any article or statement that politicizes the office

8) Paid advertisement (only Corporate publications such as Kingdom
Newsletters and Tournaments Illuminated can accept paid advertisements).

9) Non-paid advertisements, Event announcements, notices of revels, parties
and nonofficial events are acceptable.  Advertisements that are not
directly Society related are not acceptable.

10) Information about an individual or group divulged without consent."

Non-officer report submissions require filling out and submitting one of
the appropriate release forms available at the bottom of this email.

I would love to recieve your submissions of  photos, poems, tales,
recipes,  et cetera ad infinitum.

Yours in Service,
Thora Olafsdottir

Officer Report Form
Model-Release-Fillable.pdf (subject of a photograph)
Model-Release-Fillable.pdf (for subject in multiple photographs

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