[Elfsea] Hospitaler: Gold Key, Demo Deputy

Arthur Marsh broboris at att.net
Mon Jan 29 09:49:50 PST 2024

 be happy to help with demo's . done many over the years.Arthur of the Fen
    On Monday, January 29, 2024 at 11:48:21 AM CST, Hospitaler of Elfsea via Elfsea <elfsea at lists.ansteorra.org> wrote:  
 Hello, Wonderful Barony! 
The Hospitaler seeks a Gold Key Deputy and a Demo Deputy. The Gold Key Deputy maintains the loaner clothing/garb. The Demo Deputy finds non-SCA events where we can present our Barony, our Arts & Sciences and/or Martial Arts. If you are interested in either or both Deputy positions, please contact me. 

In Service,Elina LjufvinudottirBarony of Elfsea HospitalerKingdom of Ansteorrahttps://ansteorra.org/elfsea/barony-of-elfsea/

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