[Elfsea] Elfsea Defender

Sebastian sebastianf at sbcglobal.net
Fri Mar 22 10:33:25 PDT 2024

To the good gentles of Elfsea, Greetings,
Elfsea Defender is but two weeks away.  For the event to happen the help of many people is needed.  There are coordinator positions we still need help with.  Some folks have volunteered to fill positions and we thank you.  If you would like to help with or be a coordinator for one of the positions listed below please let us know:
Gate Set up / Take downWater BearerList Mistress/Master 
Also, we will have a Baronial Workday on 30 March 2024 at Burgers Lake to help prepare the area for our use.  We will begin around 10:00am.  There is no grass cutting or brush clearing or work of that nature.  It is mostly arranging lots of picnic tables and empty plastic trash barrels to set up barriers and parking areas.  Many hands make for light work so please come out and lend a hand
Thank youYour Event StewardsArthur of the FenSebastian Frobishire

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