[Elfsea] May Letter

Seneschal of Elfsea seneschal at elfsea.ansteorra.org
Wed May 1 19:22:33 PDT 2024

Greetings, Elfsea.

We close April having accomplished a fantastic Elfsea Defender!  To all who
stewarded, participated, coordinated, and helped pull off this event at a
new site:  HUZZAH!

As we look forward to May there are a number of Kingdom events to partake
in and we look forward to seeing everyone at Queen’s Champion (May 11th) or
Steppes Warlord (May 24th-27th). Here at home we will be hosting an
A&S/Newcomers Day on May 4th!

>From a business standpoint, Elfsea is sailing along with fair winds and
following seas!


   Weekend Workshops are revving up again.  Come and join our Minister of
   A&S on May 4th for a day of Craft-a-Palooza.  All arts are welcome and
   the space is perfect for our needs.


   We have an opening coming up in June on our Financial Committee, we
   thank Lord Thomas for his continued service to our Barony! If this is
   something you would be interested in please email me at
   seneschal at elfsea.ansteorra.org. You would be required to attend the
   Financial Policy class which is available at the July Round Table or online.


   Duke Gabriel has proposed to the Barony to host Sable Legionnaire this
   year. The event is a melee training event for the Rapier community. Classes
   are held the first half of the day, and practical application melees the
   second half of the day. These would be separated by a lunch break. The
   barony would be helping to staff the event and provide food.

The options are as followed:


   Combine Elfsea Yule and Legionnaire. There would be no site fee, but we
   would still have a fee for feast. He would find a location that can
   accommodate both activities as well as parking.

   Two separate events. Yule in December and Legionnaire possibly in

   Sable Legionnaire in lieu of having Yule.

I will leave commentary open until May 20th. Please reach out to me at
seneschal at elfsea.ansteorra.org with any questions or concerns. We will be
voting at May Populace and finalizing our decision.

Good people have served nobly and it is time to allow others to step in and
have some fun.   A few offices are open for applications, so if any of them
sound like your cup of tea, let me know and I can help get you started on
the application:

Deputy Seneschal  *   Archery Marshal  *   Minister of Children

Deputy Exchequer  *

Each of you has my deepest respect and gratitude for the work you do to
keep our Barony vibrant and engaged.  I look forward to seeing you at the
May events.

In Service,

Lady Gwenllyan verch Wilkin

Seneschal, Barony of Elfsea

May 2024 MEETINGS:


7pm   Monday, May 20th, via ZOOM


7pm   Tuesday, May 28th *DATE CHANGE DUE TO MEMORIAL DAY*

All People’s UU

*Lady Gwenllyan verch Wilkin*
*Seneschal, Barony of Elfsea*
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