If the time and day are right, I would be very interested. I may not be in the area beyond the end of the summer, so please hurry! Baroness Mary Taran of Glastonbury, OL, etc. >From: "Karie Mitchell" >To: elfsea@ansteorra.org >Subject: ES - Dance Classes >Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2000 23:02:25 GMT >Reply-To: elfsea@ansteorra.org > >Greetings Elfsea! > >I have heard the rumor going around that some people are interested in >dancing, but are not willing to travel all the way to Steppes to do it. > >If there is enough interest, I have found a location in Bedford. It is >Daungerous' new studio and she is willing to arrange a time for us to use it >(at no cost). We do not currently have a date set up, but currently she is >planning to teach classes on Mondays and Thursdays. But she mentioned that >she is flexible. > >If anyone is interested in attending a dance class in Bedford, at least once >a month, please let me know (and let me know what day/week). If I can get >more than 5 responses, I will talk to Daungerous more about this >arrangement. > >Ciao, >Allessandre (dancer/baroness) >________________________________________________________________________ >Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com > >============================================================================ >Go to http://lists.ansteorra.org/lists.html to perform mailing list tasks. >^..^< ------------------------------------------------------------ We're dancezine with free email accounts! http://www.danceart.com ============================================================================ Go to http://lists.ansteorra.org/lists.html to perform mailing list tasks.