To the many good people in the DFW area. I apologize for this non- SCA message, but I have had a furniture restoration business for many years that I was forced to close. Since then I have not found acceptable new employment, I wish to offer to you my services of in home furniture touch up and repair. Most broken chairs, cracked legs, and other small repairs can be done in your home. Most scratches and rubs and dings can be repaired the same way. Some torn seams and loose panels in you upholstered furniture can be repaired in home. I offer discounted rates for my SCA family, and hope that these services will help you as much as it helps me. I can be contacted by my e-mail,,or by phone at 972-489-8086. I will work with your schedule as best I am able. Thank you, Bre'nainn Mac Giolla Phadraig/ Noble Field Certe, Toto, sentio nos in Kansate non iam adesse. (You know, Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.) (Dorothy)