TO ALL LOVERS OF CELTIC HERITAGE, MUSIC, FUN, AND THE SCA !!! The Barony of the Steppes invites you to participate in the event of the year. At the Bedford Boy's Ranch, Bedford, TX, on October 10, 11, and 12th, we are participating in an absolutely wonderful event. WE ARE A FEATURED GROUP!!! Please visit their web site and see the blurb and photo describing us, at For those of you wishing to participate, all types of Artisans and Fighters are needed to volunteer a few hours Saturday and Sunday. We have a prime spot, shaded, near the food court and the privies. There will be wonderful music, vendors, and other attractions for your enjoyment. We will have pavilions and list fields to show off your wares, talents, and enjoyment of the SCA. This is a wonderful opportunity for us to solicit new members for both Baronies and the Cantons. Please support all of us. I may be reached by e-mail, or by phone at 972-235-4824, or 972-489-8086. You cooperation will be much appreciated by all, and all you have to do is contact me for scheduling and other opportunities to help your SCA!! Thank you, Bre'nainn Mac Giolla Pha'draig Re vera, cara mea, mea nil refert. (Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn!)