ATTENTION....ATTENTION....ATTENTION. PLEASE All good gentles that derive pleasure from their activities in the SCA are called to help in an upcoming event. The CELTIC HERITAGE FESTIVAL, a worthy opportunity to recruit new members, to show off the artistry of the goods we make to the populace. FIGHTERS, both light and heavy, are needed to make macho for the visitors to the Bedford Boy's Ranch where this event is being held NEXT WEEK END!!!! I need representatives from all areas to volunteer to assist in this demo. Please contact me ASAP to be scheduled. It is an easy day, 6 hours long each day, that can be broken down into two shifts each day. With this one can then enjoy the rest of the festival. Go to and see what wonderful publicity we are getting. Let's show everybody what we can do!!! Thank you, Bre'nainn Mac Giolla Pha'draig Re vera, cara mea, mea nil refert. (Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn!)