Dear Alex Thank you for your offer to help! I didn't know you had a child. Boy or girl? One of the Falcon rose people got in touch before I saw you note. May I call on you later? Are You and Martino going to the Rose Tourney in Nov. There will be rapier and a archery tournament. I had asked you if you would be my lady in waiting for the event. The offer is still open, but it is OK to say No. I won't be upset. We will be running the bardic and wandering around smiling and waving. For me, it will be a mad house because I need to run things and at the same time go look at everyone stuff. I am worrying about pooping out and not giving someone the attention they deserve. I will need people to scout out what is happening and give me a heads up on people I need to reinforce so I can make the most of my time. I offer say it takes about six people to make me look like a real Duchess. I have a pillow though and it will look great on my new chair. See you later. Are you going to Bardic?? willow W