I will tell you why I think things are going wrong. To start off with we were a group that studied history by creating a persona from a time pass. We based this role on the best values, the ought of beens of a viable society. The values of that society became real to us. We thought of our club as a kingdom. We displayed loyality and caring because we were part of this peudo socality. We found it easy to teach the values because we were not imposing our values, but rather the Historical values needed to re-create pre 17th century life. Because we were studing a complete culture we knew what we needed to do. the Lords and Ladies did their jobs, the Peers did their jobs and the Nobles did theirs. They could look at historical patterns to see what their jobs were. Then we changed. We started being real. We started living the SCA not doing historical reinactment. . The problem with that is the SCA is a 21th century group. We talk the dream, but we didn't talk about what it means. People became shy to teach values because now we talking about our personal values and the modern world thinks it is rude to impose your personal values on others. People lost their roles. Peer and noble has no meaning in a 21th century club. There are only mundane patterns for us to follow. The action I see going on is the pattern offered by the modern world. I believe we need to go back to the historcial values of the medieval construct we create to learn about our periods. I think we need to go back to a base level of roleplaying and make Ansteorra the place we play not the club, SCA. Duchess Willow de Wisp