Tuesday Practice will be at Pyro and Caelin's starting at 7:00, directions to their house can be found on the Elfsea WebSite. If you can't find them write the list and we will get them for you. Wear something comfortable and bring something to tie around your hips. . We will be practicing hair tossing so wear hair down. Bring your material for a thobe. If you are having trouble finding good material I have found some material which I am willing to sell at cost or barter for pretties. We are looking for pretty bright colored material. Having gold or silver in it is a good thing. It is dark at 12th night so look for things that will stand out at night. Trim is good. Bring your trim so we can check it out. I am hoping on having practice DVD's. See you willow ________________________________________________________________________ Try Juno Platinum for Free! Then, only $9.95/month! Unlimited Internet Access with 1GB of Email Storage. Visit http://www.juno.com/value to sign up today!