Your Majesty King of Phools, Baron and Baroness of Elfsea, Autocrat of Spring Faire and the People of Elfsea I the No-Count Papilion( alter ego not persona of Willow de Wisp) would beg a boon from you. In a certain gathering of the Steppes I talked to them about our faire and told them we have had Hobby House Races. They were very interested in coming to our event and taken part. But alas time got the better of me and I forgot to request permission. I ask that I be allowed to have the races this Spring Faire. I would hold a display race at the final round break of the tourneys and later that afternoon run the races at your pleasure. I understand I am late in asking and if it is not possible i will understand, but I will be sadden. Your No-Count to the Court of Phools of Elfsea His Excellency Papilion ________________________________________________________________________ Interested in getting caught up on today's news? Click here to checkout USA TODAY Headlines.