[Emerald] Only 24 days left...

mysticfalcon at onebox.com mysticfalcon at onebox.com
Tue Jan 7 16:33:15 PST 2003

Good Gentles,

There are only 24 days left for all pre-registration forms for this coming Gulf War to be post marked and mailed.  But why wait???  Go to www.gulfwars.org/forms.html and print off a pre-registration form right now.  Make sure to fill it all out and have it post marked NO LATER than 1/31/03.  NO PRE-REGISTRATION FORMS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER 1/31/03. Remember that ONLY those who are pre-registered can reserve Ansteorran land.  Plus with pre-reservation you get in at a lower price rate, have land with your group, and it would make me really happy ;).  Once you have filled out your forms email me with the following information:
                         Name (SCA and Mundane)
                         Group Camping With
                         Day Arriving
                         Size of tent
Also if you have any questions feel free to contact me a mysticfalcon at onebox.com .   War is upon us....

In Service,
Lady Honour du Bois

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