GE - December 31

blaan at blaan at
Wed Dec 29 09:45:15 PST 1999

Dear Folks in Gate's Edge,

     I know the madness of this particular turn of the year has many people leary
of going out.  I agree.  Therefore, I am offering a refuge in my home for the
evening of the 31st and into the next day.  I am in a cleaning frenzy so there
will be plenty of crash space (ie. floor) available.  I have beaucoup popcorn
available, in both microwave and old fashioned pop on the stove type should the
lights go out!  How can we pop on the stove ?  I have a gas stove, propane type, 1
each.  I have one tentative taker on this offer already.  We intend to eat
popcorn, watch videos,  and watch the next to the last year of the old millenium
go out and the last year of the old millenium come in.  (A nod to the purests
among us who insist on reminding us that we begin counting with a "1" not a
zero!)  I have happy cats who will insist on loving you so be warned.  Please RSVP
me if you intend to come out so I can send directions.  I live out in Magnolia
incase someone didn't know.  Other than comradarie, popcorn, crashspace and a VCR,
I offer little else.  If that is enough for you, bring the drinks of your choice,
(I do have ice water and coffee), pillows and blankets or sleeping bags if you
intend to stay over.  I am laying in some breakfast stuff for the following
morning.  Suggestions or donations of food are welcomed.  I hope some of you will
care to join me to see if Y2K is really something or if it is all hype.  My money
is on hype but we will see.

Love to all and have a safe weekend.  If any of you get killed on the road, I will
NEVER speak to you again!


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