ANST-Announce - Finally a reduction in paperwork!

kingdomcalendar kingdomcalendar at
Wed Aug 2 20:21:23 PDT 2000

Greetings to all of you,

At this year's January's Red Tape meeting, His Majesty Timotheos made a joke
about getting rid of paperwork.  I took this seriously.

As announced at July Red Tape, effective immediately, when your group wants
to have an event on the Kingdom Calendar..... there is "1" piece of paper to
send to the Kingdom Calendar Deputy.  I have combined the Bid for Kingdom
Calendar Date, Bid for Kingdom Event, and the Autocrat Warrant.  These forms
have now been deleted for the Ansteorran Web site.

Attention all Seneschals.... Please clean out your boxes and THROW AWAY the
old forms.  You can replace them with the newly released, approved, 1 page
document,  "Request for Date on Kingdom Calendar - or - Bid for Kingdom
Event".  You may find this document conveniently located with many other
Kingdom report forms at the following address.  This is also right
off the Kingdom Web page located down at the bottom of the Home page by
clicking on the word "forms".

Beginning immediately... Please use the updated form for reserving a date on
the Kingdom Calendar.  I'll say again.....PLEASE  - THROW AWAY THE OLD FORMS
for reserving a date and the autocrat warrant.

Attention Regional Seneschal's, please make sure that the groups in your
region have this information.  If there is a problem with lack of web
service contact me.

Seneschals may still reserve a date and list themselves as the autocrat up
to 2 years in advance.  They will then be required to mail a new form with
the actual autocrat's information closer to the event date.  Same form with
additional information included.

Remember this one piece of paper is a legal document, showing who is
designated as the legal spokesperson for the event.  It may be faxed to my
home, (call first), you may physically hand me the document, or you may use
snail mail.  No other forms of delivery are accepted.

I beseech you and anyone who is planning to ever autocrat an event to become
familiar with this document and the kingdom address.  There are many
documents necessary for beginning, running , and completing an event.

Happy Eventing!!

In Faithful Service to Barony and Kingdom,
Lady Arabella de Montacute,
Deputy Kingdom Seneschal for the Kingdom Calendar

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