ANST-Announce - Gothic A&S (pardon any double posts)

Connie Fielder eleanor34 at
Tue Aug 29 12:16:03 PDT 2000

Good Kingdom, 

for those coming to West Ansteorra to partake of Gothic Wars this
weekend, bring your A&S projects and have a chance to win some wonderful
prizes! Works in progress are also welcomed to be entered! Of course,
word fame has it's own reward, but prizes include a wooden card table
with an oil-painted jousting scene on top; 40 plundered gold pieces in a
small chest, and a laptop wooded desk filled with calligraphy goodies.
Your work should be one done within this last year or one never entered
in a competition. Documentation is requested, please. Light refreshments
will be available for all entrants.

Safe journey!

Baroness Eleanor de Broke
Regional A&S Minister of the West
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