GE - Last Call

Phillip Toland p.toland at
Fri Aug 25 07:36:25 PDT 2000

Here are the rapier and MOC reports...

Minister of Children

In August I created a Ministry Of Chldren banner for the Canton to display
where ever we are.  Now I am asking that children come out to the next
brew-it do-it on Sept 2 so we can get their hand prints on there.  Thanks to
those who are providing me with ideas for activities.  The Kingdom Minister
or Children has outlined new children's activity guidelines in August's
Blackstar, see me for a copy and please share your opinion.  Hope to see
many of you at populace where I will be teaching finger weaving.


Rapier Marshal's Report

Practices continue in our fair Canton Wednesday nights at Krahn Elementary
and we continue to grow.  We now have five fighters who come out and a few
of those will be ready to authorize in time for Faire.  Loaner gear still is
a problem so anyone having a 12k mask in good condition size adult large
please consider donating it for new fighters.  September promises to be a
busy month for everyone including rapier fighting at Stargate Baronial,
Elfsea's Defender, Defender of the Fort, and Battle of the Pines.  And if
that's not enough Faire begins the last weekend in September too.  Come out
and fight!

In Service,

Rapier Tip of the Month
Want light, cooler armor that breates even when wet check out Judy Linen
available online at

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