ANST-Announce - Academy of the Sword Update

Bob Kelley bkelley at
Thu Dec 14 14:22:22 PST 2000

Greetings Ansteorra,

As combat class coordinator, I am pleased to post this tentative
schedule of offerings for this weekend's Academy of the Sword.  Note the
welcome addition of Mistress Mari ferch Raythen's class on the medieval
war horse.  This listing does not include the extensive arts and
sciences classes that will also be available.

I am also pleased to note that this weekend's weather looks good, with
the current forecast calling for highs in the mid-60's,lows in the 40's,
and partly cloudy skies for Bjornsborg.

Academy of the Sword - Combat Skills Classes (schedule pending further

9:30 am Welcome to the Academy and General Announcements
First Morning Classes 10:00am to 10:45am
Count Sir Simon of the Amber Isle - "The real effect of a broadsword
against armor"
Sir Wilhelm Von Buch - "Selected topics in strategy and tactics in SCA
Sir Duncan Arthur Ross - "Sword and offhand thrusting weapons techniques
and/or concepts of fighting with the sword leg forward"

Second Morning Classes 11:00 to 11:45am
His Majesty, Sir Timotheos Kalamanos - A beginning/intermediate class
covering the basics of fighting against lefties entitled "Hey, Your
Sword's In the Wrong Hand."
Mistress Mari ferch Raythen - "Introduction to the medieval war horse"
Centurion Almar Bjarnklo -"Fiberglass spear construction and safety"

Lunch Break (Noon-1:00pm)

First Afternoon Classes 1:00pm-1:45pm
Duke Kein MacEwan  - "Strategy and tactics in SCA combat"
Earl Barn Silveraxe - "Improving your skills in the use of the mace and
Sir Arenvald Kief av Kiersted "A talk and discussion session on Society
concepts of Chivalric and Honorable Conduct on the Tournament Field" or
"Why do we fall down?"

Second Afternoon Class 2:00 - 2:45pm
His Majesty, Sir Timotheos Kalamanos - An intermediate/advanced class
for lefties expanding beyond the basic lefty offense called "More Than A
One-Trick Pony"
Sir Emrys Shaunnon  "Chivalric concepts from the Knights of Old"
Mistress Stella Silvana Ansteorra's Marshallate Secretary  "Important
topics in proper marshallate paperwork"

Open Forum/Round Table Discussion 3:00pm - 4:00pm
An open forum for the discussion of any topic related to the combat arts

As to the academy, it is suggested that you dress for the weather.
Camping is primitive.  A potluck feast is planned for the evening.
Please bring a dish that can serve 6-10.  The site details, map, fees,
etc. appear in the Black Star or can be examined from a link from our
baronial web site.  Contact the Steward for more specifics.

      The following individuals may be contacted for your questions,
before 9pm please.
Steward  Master Cynric of Bedwyn (830) 612-3202 or rferrell at
Feast Coordinator  Baroness Seraphina Maslowska aferrell at
Class Coordinator  Baron Emrys Shaunnon (210) 497-3340 or
btkelley at
Arts and Sciences Coordinator  Mistress Tamlin du Bois Vert at
scooke at

    We look forward to being in your good company.  Come to Bjornsborg
this weekend for some excellent and valuable classes, a spectacular
rapier tourney, a mug of warm cider and some great Christmas cheer!

Sir Emrys Shaunnon, Baron of Bjornsborg

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